project details

Client: Ignite by OnDemand
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Project Completed: 2023
Type: Design & Build
Industry: Education 
Collective Members: Education 

project summary

In order to prepare its high school students for life in university, Ignite by OnDemand’s space was designed to emulate the professionalism of multinational company offices. It is to instil a sense of responsibility in the young people, keeping them on their toes while they receive their tuition. 

the challenge

Matching the environment of a professional workplace with the productivity of an educational institution was crucial, as students expect to also have fun and be engaged as they learn. So it was important for us to create an environment that does not overwhelm them while still communicating to them the gravity of the professional world.

the solution

When entering Ignite’s lobby, students and visitors will be greeted by a huge metal installation that’s inspired by the traditional Chinese board game Go – a signifier of the mental fortitude that the centre would provide its students. Beyond that, there are a number of open waiting areas for students to get their work done or socialise while they wait in-between classes.

Individual focus areas were also a priority in Ignite’s design, with phone booths and bunk beds installed for students to have their pick on what their best self-study environment is. These spaces are also complemented with bright colours – to inject visual excitement while studying and adding variety to the overall palette of the centre.

Each of its class rooms are also designed to look like university lecture rooms, to really immerse students and push them towards their goals.

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