project details

Client: SC Co. Lab (SC Asset)
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Size: 18998 sft
Completed: November 2018
Type: Co-Working Space Design
Industry: Living Solutions
Collective Members: Paperspace Asia, Design Dept, Time & Architecture design

project summary

SC Asset is a company that is making great inroads into the living solutions industry. Their main vision is to provide products and services that do not only have to do with their clients’ homes, but solutions that improve lifestyles as well. The SC headquarters is located in Bangkok, Thailand and they wanted to have a co-working space that is progressive and effective.

Working hand-in-hand with Paperspace, the company was able to successfully:

  • Create a conducive space designed to help employees break away from the shackles of the traditional way of working.
  • Encourage creativity and collaboration among their staff.
  • Have an engaging and productive meeting space for all their business partners, suppliers, and other collaborators in the industry.

the challenge

SC Co. Lab takes its collaborative approach to business seriously and wanted to design a part of their HQ in that same vein. The goal was to create a space that promotes productivity, creativity, and the sharing of ideas.

The Co. Lab floor also needed to be inclusive of all employees with different backgrounds. Most of all, SC hopes for this to be a meeting place that conveys their modern and vibrant spirit to their business partners.

the solution

To help our client achieve their vision for the co-working space, Paperspace embraced the value of collaboration from the design thinking phase to the full implementation of the project.

In order to better understand the needs of the client, Paperspace held a design thinking workshop for all employees, which involved the top ranks of the company and their stakeholders. In this workshop, we asked the participants key questions to gain insight into what they need and want to have in this collaborative space. For example, we asked them if they could have a living room in this part of the building, what sort of things would they put in it?

From the data gathered, design mockups were created. Paperspace also utilised virtual reality technology in the design process. The plans for the Co.Lab floors were rendered in VR and brought to the site for employees to try out. The floors were also marked to indicate what goes where. All these helped the decision-makers to best understand the proposed space plan on site. 

To ensure productivity and creativity, the floor was divided into sub-spaces with the themes: Collaboration, Continuous Improvement, Courage, and Care. This allowed Paperspace to design a co-working facility that caters to all the employees and help them change their working culture into a more open, agile, and flexible system.

The design of the whole space follows the back-to-basics concept wherein the concrete walls are left exposed to achieve a mix of industrial and contemporary design aesthetics. Spotlights, task lights, and chandeliers were installed strategically to provide a conducive working environment and a meeting space that speaks professional without being overbearing. 

Nooks for private meetings are available and Paperspace also makes full use of the high ceiling to create an elevated area where one can look out into the whole floor. Since this space is all about collaborating, meeting, and working – the whole area is outfitted with the technology needed in a modern office. There is no shortage of screens, projectors, computing, and communication devices.

Overall, Paperspace Asia created a collaborative and energetic space for SC Co.Lab that employees can gravitate toward and where they make things happen.

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